When to drop the swaddle/How to transition out of the swaddle

When to drop the swaddle:

Some babes enjoy it, others… those little arms just will NOT stay down 😂

If you have been swaddling your child you have probably

considered when you should stop swaddling. This comes into

play when we are looking at safe sleep and the mobility of your child.

So when do we want to begin the transition out of the swaddle?

3-4 months is usually the age range when children begin to roll.

That is the key, when your child begins to try and roll, we want to

move them out of that swaddle. 

This will make sure they are safe when sleeping, if they are

starting to want to move around we want them to be able to!

It also allows them to move themselves into a safe position for

sleep plus allows for the continued development of that important rolling skill.

If your child is showing signs of rolling earlier or later than 3-4 months,

no worries! Go with your gut and get them out of that swaddle!

What I would suggest is when you begin to see those rolling signs…

begin the transition so it’s a little easier on your child…

How to transition out of the swaddle?

There is always the cold turkey option, but we all know that not

every infant responds in the same way. So here is a more

gradual transition out of that swaddle:

  • Have 1 arm out for the first 3 nights

  • Have both arms out for the next 3 nights

  • Then transition them into a sleep sack or footed PJ

(please remember no blankets in the crib)

Tip: If 3 nights isn’t working for your child feel free to

extend the “1 arm out” a few days longer or vise versa

if your child is good to go after night one of “1 arm out”

move the transition along!

Like everything else, the transition can take time for your

babe to get used to. So be patient and you’ll see them

in their little sleep sack and rolling around soon.

Please reach out if you are not sure if it’s the right time or

if the switch is going a little wonky.

Best of luck as your child makes this awesome transition!

-Your Paediatric Sleep Consultant



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