3 Signs it’s time to drop a nap

This can be scary I get it. You don’t want to deprive your child

of a nap if they need it, but you also don’t want to try and force

them to sleep if they’re ready to move on!

So here are three signals to look out for that will give you

the A-OK to drop that nap and give your child that longer

wake window.

  1. They have a hard time falling asleep at bedtime

If you child is taking that last nap and then bedtimes

start to take forever.. it might be time to cut that nap.

You put them down at their usual time and they’re just

hanging out, playing or just taking a while before actually

falling asleep. In this case they are getting too much daytime sleep

and just aren’t tired enough when bedtime rolls around.

2. They just will not nap anymore

You are putting them down for their usual last nap but they

are just done with it (singing, playing, talking, not showing any tired signs).

I know that sounds stupid… obviously if they won’t nap then

they’re ready to drop it, however there are many other reasons

your child might be fighting a nap so you’ll want to find a trend

before dropping the nap. What you want to see is a refusal of that

last nap for 5 days out of the week for about 2 weeks. That way you

know for sure it’s not something else.

3. Early rising

Have you noticed lately that your child is waking before 6am?

(Like waking at 3/4am and they are ready for the day)

Are they around that age where dropping a nap

might be coming? Again, they might be getting too much daytime sleep.

If they get all the sleep they need from that nap and going to

bed at the same time as usual… then they don’t need to sleep all

the way through the night because they’re good to go!

So there we have it! Those three things are the main flags to look for.

To drop the nap, just don’t offer it.

However, I suggest still offering a ‘quiet time’ so they still get a brain rest if they want it.

**Another big thing you’ll want to consider is that for the next few

weeks after you drop that nap your child will be tired and

not used to it. The best way to facilitate that? An early bedtime!

Anywhere between 1 and 2 hours early. This will change child to child

so try an earlier time and then if that doesn’t feel right go with your gut and tweak it.

Please let me know if you have any questions about this or want to triple

check that it’s. time to drop that nap. I’m just a DM or phone call away!

Your Paediatric Sleep Consultant

Marina Godard-Simon


When to drop the swaddle/How to transition out of the swaddle


Twin Sleep!