The First 8 Weeks: Newborn Sleep 101

🎉 Congratulations!

Your little one has arrived, or is just about to…

and you are wondering what you can do to set them up for sleep success

right from the get go. 😴

Want to get the highlighted bullet points from this blog post?

Click Here to get your Newborn Sleep 101 PDF

I’m happy you are already thinking about their sleep health,

however I want to emphasize something right now.

The only sleep-related thing to think about this early on,

is to start building a little bedtime routine. That’s it.

For the first 8 weeks, maybe more depending on your situation,

the biggest things to focus on are:

1- Mum’s healing and recovery

2- Establishing feeds/ feeding schedule

Then 3- building a bedtime routine for your new addition

A bedtime routine provides your baby with a consistent cue,

that signals them to bedtime and sleep. It doesn’t have to be elaborate,

just a few things like PJs, swaddle, song. This is a special bonding time

for you and your little, but it also lays the foundation for solid sleep

moving forward. 😴

There are sleep hygiene components you can triple check

ahead of time such as:




For more details on sleep hygiene CLICK HERE

But even those can be ignored for the first little bit.

(If you start to notice your baby sleeping more during the

day then at night - you can emphasize light* exposing baby

to more daytime- bright light and then

making a really hard contrast to dark at sleep times).

I am so excited you are welcoming another member into your family,

and I hope this has reassured you that you can set your newborn

up for sleep-success right from the beginning with a simple, easy 1st step.


Have any questions? Let’s chat!

-Your Paediatric Sleep Consultant

💚 Marina Godard-Simon


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