What should baby go to sleep in?
We don’t want baby overheating, but we also don’t want them to be cold,
so where’s the sweet spot?
Side note: We’ve talked about the ideal sleep temperature as being
20-22 degrees C. However, I want to note that depending where you live,
that ideal temperature might be a little higher or lower *as long as
everyone is comfortable.* For example, if you live in a very warm place,
and everyone is comfortable at 23/24 degrees, then that might
be totally fine for sleep as long as everyone (including baby)
is dressed appropriately.
❄️ Signs of a baby that’s too cold:
baby’s core (chest, back, neck, tummy) is cold to touch
*Don’t go off their toes/fingers being cold because that is not a good indicator! You baby could be perfectly comfortable and have cooler fingers and that’s okay! Make sure you’re checking their core for temperature.
If they’re core is cold, add a layer, go up in TOG, or use some thicker PJs.
(not using loose fabric/ blankets etc)
🔥 Signs of a baby that’s too warm:
sweaty neck/ hair
flushed cheeks
clammy/sweaty chest, neck, back or tummy (baby’s core)
If you see these signs in your baby-
remove a layer, change out their swaddle and go for a lower TOG,
go for just the diaper under the swaddle, or opt for something with a
more breathable material.
So what should they be wearing to sleep?
Take into account where baby is sleeping and if it’s generally warmer/cooler
than where you sleep, because if it’s the same, it’s a good rule to
dress baby how you are dressed for sleep!
If you go to sleep in light PJs and you use a lot of covers, then baby will
need similar layers to sleep minus the covers.
Evaluate their temperature, and make changes if needed. If they
feel fine, then you’re good! 👍🏼
P.S. Right after birth, your newborn will be extra bundled because they are
just figuring out to how regulate their body temperature. However, by about
1 week in, they’ll be regulated and good to go.
Reach out if you have any questions, and have a great week ahead.
Happy Long Weekend
💚 Marina Godard-Simon