What is a Sleep Consultant?

There are a lot of sleep consultants out there. Everyone offers different methods and ideas so it’s very important to find someone that aligns with your values and parenting style...someone you really feel comfortable with. 

There are a couple different methods of “sleep training” or sleep behavioural interventions. Extinction (cry it out), Graduated Extinction (controlled crying, controlled comfort, modified controlled crying, responsive settling), Graduated Extinction with Parental Presence (camping out, Sleep Lady Shuffle), Sleep Restriction (faded bedtime, positive routines). Every method has its own positives and negatives but no matter what method you align with more, you know your child best and are doing the best thing for them. 

Sleep is intrinsic, the body wants to sleep, but from the minute we are born, our little brains are sponges.. Soaking up everything around us..and all of that information we take in when we are young, builds and transforms in our brain making us full blown adult humans. So as much as sleep is built into our bodies, it needs a helping hand to mold into great sleep later on in life.

I don’t help you make your baby independent, I guide you in making them feel safe and secure enough to grow in their independence when they are ready to. Making sure they have a structure around them (maybe that’s a bedtime routine, nap schedule, etc.) so that they feel secure enough to begin to fall asleep all by themselves, or only have one night waking.

Your baby will let you know when they are tired, but sometimes those sleepy-cues can be tricky to see coming but if you do catch them, it makes it so much easier to get baby down for a nap before they’re overtired and wired. I am here, to help parents spot those sleepy-cues, because baby is just growing and changing and learning and it’s up to parents to keep up. Helping parents support their kids, so that they grow up to be great sleepers. Because a well rested person = a happy person and when we add a little more happiness, our community becomes an even more amazing place.

My packages have a lot of range, to accompany every family’s unique needs. Starting with a Prenatal/Newborn Package to help parents get a head start and have a game plan before the baby gets here, or just getting started with healthy sleep habits for babe.

Then my Infant, and Toddler Packages have more support to cater to those ages. Within each main Package, there are three options to choose from. Those three options vary in the amount of support and communication I provide: whether you only need a week or two with minimal phone support, or you require a couple more weeks and would like to be in contact with me more often, there is an option that fits every family. So with so many options…how do you know which one to choose?! You book a free consultation call with me and we talk about it :)   

“What does a free consultation call entail...?”

On my website, you put your name and email down in the contact/book with Marina section. Then, when I receive your message I get in touch with you by email, to try and find a time for us to talk that works best for you! We take 15-20 minutes chatting about any questions you have regarding your child’s sleep or even just if you have questions about what I do and how I can help. I can explain the different packages I offer, and perhaps suggest the one that would be most appropriate for you and your family’s needs. There is no obligation to move forward with anything, it is just a discovery call - a chat to answer any of your questions and see if Sage Sleep would be a good fit to support your family’s sleep health.

So scroll to the bottom of this page and book your free consultation call with me, or you can reach me via email or social media as well. I look forward to chatting with you!



Infant Sleep Regressions


5 Steps to Calming a Newborn