What helps us fall asleep, and stay asleep?

You may have seen my post on this topic - the photo is so cute!

This little guy had fallen asleep for a nap with his finger in his ear. 😩

The mom was nice enough to send me a photo because we both

thought it was just adorable and he was soooo asleep.🥰

Have you had those naps/sleeps where you’re just so out of it and

you wake up with cushion marks on your face, or your arm in a weird place?

That level of sleepiness is what we all hope for, for us and our kids right?!

So what gets us to sleep and keeps us asleep???

➪ Our melatonin levels (peaks around 2-3 am)

➪ An environment conducive to sleep (light, sound, temperature)

➪ Sleep pressure (increases the longer we are awake)

➪ Our ability to put ourselves back to sleep if we wake up!

Adults and kids alike… we need a combination of these things to get that awesome sleep.😴

The thing is though, when it comes to children's sleep, there are some things we can't control.

When they're younger, they are still going off mom's melatonin and are

developing their own melatonin cycles. They're also getting more and more experience self-soothing.

My point is, that we can control certain things, and others we just can't.

So a huge part of what I do is taking a look at the things we can tweak,

and helping parents support their child's sleep rhythms as they naturally develop!

Has your child ever fallen asleep in a funny position?? Let me know!

-Your Sleep Consultant



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