Staying Awake During a Feed

I thought we were here to get our babies to sleep… not keep them awake!

Well you are right, this is Sage Sleep. However, keeping them awake while

feeding can help them get a better sleep! Let me explain:

Sleep pressure is the key. Sleep pressure builds from the moment we wake up

to the moment we go back to sleep and for children, it builds between their naps as well.

Sleep pressure is our body’s biological pull to sleep.

When your child wakes in the morning, they start to build sleep pressure for their first nap -

playing, having fun being awake and stimulated so that they tire out and are sleepy enough to actually nap! 

Guess what happens if you are giving your babe a snack between

wake and nap and they fall asleep at the breast or bottle?

Poof goes that sleep pressure they were building up.

Another reason you might want to keep your child awake during a feed is

when you are weaning off. So, is your monkey falling asleep while they feed?

It’s quite common as the food itself, and the sucking motion is calming and comforting.

But if keeping them awake is the goal, how are you supposed to do that???

-Undressing them a layer so they are a little cooler than usual, this will keep them more alert

-Rubbing their back

-Tickling their feet

-Burping babe mid feed

-Changing the diaper or switching breasts if breastfeeding 

-Keeping some movement to wake them or keep them awake


-Gently blowing air on their cheeks or forehead

These are just a few ideas, let me know in the comments if you’ve got a

little trick you use that’s not on this list so I can share it with other families!

Hope you have a great rest of your day :)

Your Paediatric Sleep Consultant



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