Simple Steps to Calming Your Newborn!


Your little one is finally here! Now, what… what happens next? There are a million and one resources out there for new parents but that in itself is overwhelming! So my goal here is to chat with you, about some proven steps to help your new babe settle, that you can try out. I’ll say it time and time again — you know your child better than anyone, so no matter what, you have to do what you feel is best for them.

When it comes to sleep consultants and sleep coaches, everyone is different. They have different views, different approaches, and that’s why it’s important to connect with ones that align with your values and your parenting style. Plus with social media, it is important to remember, you have the power to ‘unfollow’ accounts that make you feel shamed, or wrong in how you are taking care of your child. There are so many amazing accounts out there that promote healthy, positive messages.

So, onto 5 simple ways you can settle your newborn:

What I am suggesting here is not “sleep training” and is just some simple tips that have been proven to calm and settle a fussy newborn. The 5 S’s…

Swaddling - They love that warm, snug feeling. Reminds them of being in the womb all safe and sound.

Side Stomach Positioning - This is just a comfortable position for them.

Shushing - The shushing sound reminds them of the womb and is very comforting. Here’s the trick though… If they are being loud, you must ‘shush’ loudly as well. They won’t hear you if you ‘shush’ gently and quietly, so in order for this to be effective, you must meet them at their sound level. 

Swingling - Swinging in a ‘shiver’ type motion is very helpful for when they are crying, and when you want to help them to sleep use a long swinging motion. Babywearing, rocking, any time of movement is calming as well.

Sucking - Last but not least! The tried and true… a feed is always calming, but a pacifier can be a place holder too.

You know how some days, everything can be working fine, but you just don’t feel great. That happens with little ones too; sometimes they can be fed, burped, changed, but they just aren’t feeling good and need some extra comfort. Giving your babe that extra love and trying out these steps will definitely help calm your babe.

If you have any questions please give me a shout and I hope you have a great week!

Your Sleep Consultant



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