Eat, Play, Sleep

Eat, Play, Sleep /  Eat, Activity, Sleep, Your time (EASY)

There are 1 million versions of this pattern online, but what is it?  Whatever you know it by, it dictates a schedule of getting your child into a pattern of eating, having some play time and then sleeping. This is a great idea in theory BUT is it practical? 

Maybe not 

Now I will admit, I do have this EASY nap schedule in my resources folder, however I previously only used it for the general nap times they show. I used this as an example of what a child’s day MAY look like, depending on their age ranges. I don’t use it anymore as I have found more comprehensive resources to use, however it is still a decent, general reference.

Why is the Eat, Play, Sleep pattern unrealistic? 

1. I want you to follow your child’s feeding cues! Eating once within a wake window may not be healthy for your child depending on their age. That plus, if your child is hungry.. you feed that little monkey!

2. This is a big one … This pattern is supposed to help deter a feed-to-sleep association. 

However, nobody said feeding BEFORE sleep is the same thing as feeding TO sleep. It is also totally okay if you are feeding to sleep… there is no deadline for independent sleep! So like I always say: do what you feel is right for your child.

3. As a parent you want to revel in those moments of bonding and attachment. I never want to suggest something that will take away from that. If you want to feed multiple times through a wake window, some for food and some for comfort, please do so! If feeding right before bed, or to sleep soothes your child and secures that bond, do it. 

As your sleep consultant, my job is to guide and support, not judge and dictate.

No matter what suggestions or tips a professional gives you, you have every right to choose for yourself what is best for your family. I want to empower you and be comfortable to ask questions. 

Sometimes I feel like I give my clients too much information, but in reality I would much rather you as parents, have all the information and background as to why we are doing what we’re doing, then not be informed. 

That way, when our time is complete, you have the information and confidence to continue on with our plan, and work through any issues that may come up later.

So if you have questions… hit me up! I’m here to serve you and your family. Here to inform and support in any way that I possibly can.

I hope you all had a great weekend, and I look forward to talking with you soon :)



Food and Sleep


Nap Guide!