Marina Marina

The Murphy Family

“I reached out to Marina for some assistance with my 2 year old. We thought we’d tried everything. I spent countless nights googling on how to get him to sleep better. After only 1 phone call, Marina’s advice changed everything. We implemented her suggestions and they worked THAT SAME DAY. We had done a full 180 in just a week. I reached out again regarding my 4 month old and she was kind enough to talk me through what the next best steps would be. Her advice has been incredibly helpful. More sleep for the entire family. I will recommend Marina over and over again to friends and family.”

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Marina Marina

The Jenkins Family

“Our child developed separation anxiety at the beginning of 2021. We couldn’t leave the room to do something or walk behind the car to get him our of his seat without him ending up in a panicked state and tears. This meant spending up to 2 hours a night laying in bed with him and freak outs in the night when he woke to find nobody was with him. It was a hard 10 months for us all. In comes Marina, she made an individual plan for our little man. In 3 days there was massive changes and in 3 weeks he is back to his old confident self. Please reach out to Marina if you need help, I wish I did earlier. No need to suffer in silence when there is a village to help!”

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